We are LIVE! Best of luck to everyone!
Click here to download the puzzle hunt!
If the first link is not working: Try this one instead!
Hints are now active! Please scroll down to the answer check area to access the hints page!
If you enjoyed the hunt and want to support us in creating more of these, please consider buying us a coffee! Thank you for the love!
grand prize winners!
Top 10
Team Name & Finishing Date / Time in EST
ClueCurio (1/1/21 - 2:04am)
MysteryFunHouse (1/1/21 - 2:12am)
Busters (1/1/21 - 2:44am)
Halibut That Bass (1/1/21 - 3:37am)
Golden Golems (1/1/21 - 3:54am)
Strobe Light Syzygy (1/1/21 - 4:39am)
Callie's Enterprise (1/1/21 - 9:18am)
Unable to Solve (1/1/21 - 9:38am)
ManyPinkHats (1/1/21 - 10:47am)
Enigma (1/1/21 - 12:01pm)
Answers can be checked via the links below. If you think you have the answer to the puzzle, you can type it into the correct form. If you are correct, the quiz will let you know.
All 8 of the main puzzles will have hints available at 1/1/21 at 9:00pm EST (2100 EST) and the method to access them will also be available on this website.
The meta puzzle will also have hints, and when you complete it, you will receive information on how to get on the high scoreboard. Order of finish will be determined by order of completion of that task. Teams that complete will live on the high score board indefinitely.
If you need any additional hints, or if there are problems with the hunt, please feel free to reach out to me below.
Please make sure you click on VIEW ACCURACY after submission for feedback! Please be in the habit of CAPITALIZING your answers and NOT INCLUDING SPACES, as Google does not correct them.
Puzzle #1: CHOPPED
Puzzle #2: FAMILY FEUD
Puzzle #3: JEOPARDY!
Puzzle #4: LET'S MAKE A DEAL
Puzzle #5: LINGO
FINAL ANSWER SUBMISSION: Once you've solved all (9) of the puzzles, enter your answers HERE. In order to get your team name on the leaderboard, you must submit your final answers to all the puzzles using this form! Please remember, use NO SPACES and ALL CAPS on this page. You will be asked to send a very specific email to me with hunt-based information about a specific puzzle to show finishing!
Hints are now active!
Hints are now active! Feel free to use any hints you need to complete the puzzle hunt. Please only use hints when you're absolutely stuck. The hints are ordered as steps in the solving process. Always take the first hint first and continue taking hints as needed. Click here to be taken to the hints page!