A puzzle a day FOr a month.

From the Enigmarch Website: EnigMarch is a month-long create-a-puzzle-per-day challenge. Every day in March, we will share unique one-word prompts, deliberately broad to encourage multiple interpretations, that serve as jumping-off points for your puzzle-creating genius to flourish.

Except I chose to make it a puzzle hunt, too! Think a bit harder than puzzled pint but a bit easier than Puzzle Boat!

Also, manage your expectations! I am doing this as a puzzle-per-day challenge. I have not pre-written any of these puzzles. That means that some of these puzzles may be uneven. Enigmarch is meant to push yourself as a puzzle writer... that I've definitely done!

Puzzle #21 (Halve): "Banana Splitz"

Color Blindness Alert: Although unnecessary for the solve, the PDF is split in half, from directly after the word banana straight down.

Puzzle #23 (Dice): Crap(s)!

Image Credits: Robbro

Clicking gives some spoilers, so go after you figure out the puzzle!

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Each puzzle has 3 clues. Clue 1 is the least helpful, Clue 3 the most. Use the Enigmarch prompt and the number clue you want to access (example: WIND2)